What keeps you up at night? -- Security doesn't have to be scary.

In our experience, organizations big and small tend to avoid what they are afraid of… until it’s too late. This is usually the case with security plans, technology, and assessments. This avoidance comes from a feeling that these processes point out weaknesses that will make the organization look unprepared or incapable as they are executed within the organization. In reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth!

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Brave Little Beast
Social Distancing and Crowd Management

Social distancing and crowd management are two concepts not ordinarily discussed together. Like avoiding religion and politics as topics of conversation, they are on opposite ends of a spectrum between isolation and mass gathering. Still, current times and the pandemic have created some unusual companionships. Let me explain.

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Paul S. Denton
Pandemic and the 10-80-10 principle

I thought it would be interesting to reflect on the 10-80-10 concept and observations of human behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. This rule or principle may be familiar to those who have taken the NCS4-FEMA MGT 412 course on sport and special events evacuation. However, some background may be helpful.

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Paul S. Denton
Security Concerns and Retailers during these Unprecedented Times

The COVID-19 pandemic has raised many concerns for retailers, especially those that have had to reduce hours, lay off workers, or close amid the stay at home orders issued by various governors around the country. SRMC, have identified security concerns that retailers may face as well as solutions to the identified concerns to help retailers determine their best course of action in protecting their businesses. Here are the top five security vulnerabilities for retailers during this time:

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Lynda Buel
Why Your Teachers Need to be On-Board with Your New Security Plan

With security threats looming over our children and schools it can often feel difficult for the administration and management of these facilities to find the right solutions to keep their students and staff safe. We have seen many organizations offer up and implement one solution to the security risks of their schools. While we wish that school security was as simple as hiring more security officers the truth is it is not and just one solution will not be enough to combat safety risks faced by schools in this day and age.

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Lynda Buel
Preparing your Company for the Unexpected: Community Health Concerns

The worldwide spread of the coronavirus has been a top news story in recent weeks. While this is indeed on the mind of health officials and the public the issue may not have reached the desk of the security director or emergency manager. With only 15 confirmed cases in the US as of February 14th, the most likely responses would be “This is so rare to be of concern to us” or “How and why would this affect my company/business/facility?”

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Paul S. Denton
The Journal of Art Crime

We’re proud to share that Paul Denton and John Kleburg contributed their expertise in the fall release of The Journal of Art Crime.

The Impact of Human Error: How it Places Under Scrutiny the International Art Market and Disrupts the Natural Pace of Academic Scholarship: An Exercise in Provenance Research.

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Lynda Buel